About Us

Bioinformatics is a multidisciplinary field that integrates computer technology, biology, statistics, and mathematics. Our mission is to foster bioinformatics research, training, and collaboration through various activities and events.

Our Approach

We raise awareness, provide skills training, offer platforms for skill development, build an interactive community, and facilitate collaborations through University Outreaches, Workshops, Hackathons, and Seminars.

Find out more about Our Activities.

Our Code of Conduct

All members of BHKi are expected to treat each other with respect and professionalism. Our guidelines ensure a positive and inclusive environment.

Our members’ welfare is extremely important to us. Help us create a community that is safe and welcoming for everyone.

NB: In times of conflict of interest, contact the steering committee at team@bhki.org.

Expected Behavior (Dos):

  1. Be respectful amongst members at all levels of membership.
  2. Respect different opinions and gracefully accept constructive feedback
  3. When handling research projects given by the hub, always leave room for improvement and invite positive criticism
  4. In meetings, members are expected to use welcoming language and encourage interactions among peers.
  5. Focus on the main goals of the hub.
  6. Contact the steering committee immediately to report any situation that causes you or other members any kinds of discomfort in our community. There is an option of reporting anonymously and the steering committee will keep all reports confidential to prevent retaliation.

Unaccepted Behavior (Don’ts):

  1. Verbal or written comments that exclude people on the basis of membership to this community or a specific group.
  2. Causing members discomfort or fear for their safety especially through stalking, intimidation, harassment or bullying.
  3. Using harsh or sexual language, racist or inappropriate jokes.
  4. Sexual or violent display of images or any media content in any community forums.


Our team comprises of Bioinformaticians speacializing in different fields of the field but with a common enthusiasm for capacity building and community development. We believe in community as a way to propagate bioinformatics research and education to build more region specific solutions.

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Festus Nyasimi

Chairperson BHKi

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Karega Pauline

Vice Chairperson

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Margaret Wanjiru

Organizing Secretary

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Michael Landi

Organizing Lead

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David Kiragu

Finance lead

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Laurah Ondari

Communications Lead